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Get paid to write articles for your favourite magazines and newspapers

"I've been published in the New York Times, Vogue Living and The Sydney Morning Herald!"
I felt completely out of my depth contacting editors but Lindy provided helpful and effective pitching advice, which I still refer to each and every week. This helped me realise the real hook within each story idea. Since then, my byline has appeared in a range of new digital and print publications (like Vogue Living, The New York Times and The Sydney Morning Herald) most of which I would have been too scared to pitch without Lindy's strategic advice.

Alana Wulff
Freelance writer

What They're saying:

"I've had two commissions with Business Insider!

Since finishing Foundations of Freelance Writing, I've had two essays published in Insider with a third underway. As I'm getting into pitching magazines and online publications, I'm sure more good news will follow!

Pascal Duguay 
Freelance writer

"I've been published by Australian Geographic!"

I cannot tell you how excited I was to see my story published in Australian Geographic - such a prestigious publication!

 Lindy not only helped me brainstorm publications that might be interested in the story idea, but she also gave some valuable feedback to refine my pitch to a different targeted publication, after the initial pitch was rejected.

If you’re lacking confidence with pitching and wondering if you can write for your dream publications, having Lindy’s expertise and insight makes such a difference. 

 My dream came true!

Jennifer Johnston
Freelance writer 
  • Total payment
  • 1xFoundations of Freelance Writing discount$0

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